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Keys to becoming a genius

Keys to becoming a genius

Gift Mamphekgo Nkogatse

This book contains the keys to becoming a genius. Basically its intent is to help a learner to be released from failing and getting lower marks in their examinations. " KEYS TO BECOMING A GENIUS " does not care about the learners academic level. Whether you are in education either at high school level or University level, you need this book to get distinctions in the coming soon final examinations. After all, a true GENIUS is the product of motivation and inspiration to start getting distinctions. That's why the greatest obligation of every learner is to start pursuing knowledge which will give him or her distinctions in the examinations. The word obligation means responsibility. " KEYS TO BECOMING A GENIUS " will show you how to start being obligated to your studies as to get distinctions when writing examination.

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File Size: 1.34 MB

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