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تيمور شاه درانى

تيمور شاه درانى

سرمحقق علي محمد منګل

د کتاب پېژندنه ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| د كتاب نوم : تيمور شاه درانى څېړنه : سرمحقق علي محمد منګل كمپوز : د ساپي پښتو څېړنو او پراختيا مركز كمپوزر : الهام الدين " ګوهر انديش" د كمپوز ځاى : د ميرزاخان او احمدزى كمپوزنګ سنټر ګل حاجى پلازه اطاق نمبر208 يونيورسټي روډ پيښور تليفون 853549 د چاپ كال : 1382 هـ ش تصحيح او چاپ چارې : د ساپي پښتو څيړنو او پراختيا مركز فكس تليفون 5704506 –091

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It's not the situation, but whether we react (negative) or respond (positive) to the situation that's important.

When buying shares, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?

You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure.

I’m only rich because I know when I’m wrong…I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes.

Entrepreneurs - both women and men - need equal and fair access to finance - to create new businesses, to reach to new markets, and to adapt to climate change.

I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy.

Our greatest fear should not be of failure… but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.

Some books leave us free and some books make us free.