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Emancipation of Muslim Women in the Soviet Union

Emancipation of Muslim Women in the Soviet Union

Shamsuddin Amin / 2 years ago

Shamsuddin AminCentral Asian Studies InstituteDecember 2021Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Emancipation of Muslim Women in the Soviet Union The Bolshevik revolution of 1917 had fundamental impacts on the socio-economic status of the Central Asian people. One of the main changes the people of Central Asia experienced was the so-called emancipation of women. I...

Polysemous Words in English

Polysemous Words in English

Ketabton / 2 years ago

In all languages, some words have more than one meaning; technically they are called Polysemous words. Polysemous words have several numbered definitions in a dictionary. The following examples will help you extend your vocabulary by recognizing different meanings for some of the words.   Depressed 1. Do you feel depressed during the winter mont...

آیا د ت.البانو مخالفین واجب القتل دي؟

آیا د ت.البانو مخالفین واجب القتل دي؟

Riaz Muqamzai - ریاض مقامزی / 2 years ago

آیا د ت.البانو مخالفین واجب القتل دي؟لیکوال - محمد محقژباړه - ریاض مقامزی ”... په اسلام کې د جهاد او وسلې ته د لاس ور وړلو فلسفې په اړه له پخوا پراخ بحثونه موجود وو او تر ننه دوام لري. آن ډېر پخوا زمانو کې د فقهاوو ترمنځ دا بحث پیل شو، چې د جنګ په څېر یوه تباه کوونکي او ويجاړوونکي کار ته شریعت ولې جواز ورکړی؟ددې موضوع د فلسفې پيداکولو او توجيه لپا...

Point of View in Story

Point of View in Story

Ketabton / 2 years ago

Stories can be told from different points of view; the point of view depends on who is telling the story. If the narrator is a character in the story, the pronoun in the text is usually "I". This is called first-person narrator. If the narrator is a voice that seems to to know what just one character is doing, then the point of view is called third...

Writing talking points

Writing talking points

Robert Johnson / 2 years ago

To be ready for interviews and public speeches, talk points are frequently employed. Making up your own problems makes it easier to appear in public and respond to inquiries from the press and the general public. Describe your goals and message, please. Consider the aim of your speech or interview and why you are speaking to your audience. Is conv...

د سرېلانکا نړېدونکی اقتصاد؛ غریبو هېوادونو ته یو درس

د سرېلانکا نړېدونکی اقتصاد؛ غریبو هېوادونو ته یو درس

Riaz Muqamzai - ریاض مقامزی / 2 years ago

د سرېلانکا نړېدونکی اقتصاد؛ غریبو هېوادونو ته یو درس  عبدالوافي نایبزی  د سرېلانکا په اړه څومره پوهېږئ؟ تاسې که د نړۍ نقشه راواخلئ او ورته ځیر شئ، نو سرېلانکا د هند سمندرگي په منځ کې یو پروت ټاپو دی، چې په نږدې گاونډ کې ورسره له هنوستان پرته بل هېواد نه‌شته دی. سرېلانکا په ۱۹۴۸ز کې له انگستان څخه خپلواکي واخیسته، د مذهب له اړخه په‌کې۷۰سلنه بوداپ...